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- 10/22- 4:44 Dealmaker's Digest Newsletter
10/22- 4:44 Dealmaker's Digest Newsletter
Hey Dealmaker,
Ever wonder why some people seem to grow faster and move further while others stay stuck? 🤔 It’s not always about finding more opportunities—it’s about knowing which ones are actually worth your time. Too many people chase every shiny object, but here’s the truth: saying “no” to good opportunities is how you leave room to say “hell yes” to the great ones.
I just dropped a new blog that dives into why choosing the right opportunities—not just any opportunities—will transform your business. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by decisions or distracted by the next big thing, this post is for you. Click here to see how mastering the art of saying “no” can change your game. →
4 Thoughts to Kickstart Your Day:
Saying “yes” can be your biggest mistake: Every time you say “yes” to something that doesn’t serve your long-term goals, you dilute your focus.
Time is your most valuable asset: Guard it like your life depends on it—because your business does.
Distraction is the enemy of progress: Chasing every new opportunity might feel productive, but it usually just keeps you stuck in place.
The right opportunity aligns with your vision: If it doesn’t move you toward your main goal, it’s just noise. Filter it out.
4 Lessons Learned:
Saying “no” creates space for bigger wins: By turning down small distractions, you free up energy and resources for what truly matters.
Not every opportunity is for you: Just because it’s a good idea doesn’t mean it aligns with where you’re headed.
The fear of missing out is real—but irrelevant: You’re not missing out by saying no. You’re making room for something better.
Great leaders don’t fear the “no”: They understand that the path to success is paved by choosing the right battles, not fighting every one.
4 Challenges to Conquer Today:
Audit your commitments: Are you spending your time on things that actually move the needle? Time to reassess.
Make a “Hell Yes” list: Only say yes to things that are an absolute “hell yes” for your business and vision.
Practice saying “no”: Turn down one thing today that doesn’t align with your biggest goal—even if it’s tempting.
Set clearer boundaries: Protect your time and energy by learning to say no without guilt.
Quote of the Day
"Saying ‘no’ is a skill that will open more doors than saying ‘yes’ ever will."
- Warren Buffett
Stay focused, guard your time, and keep your eye on what truly matters.
Until Tomorrow,
Mark Evans DM
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