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- 10/20- 4:44 Dealmaker's Digest Newsletter
10/20- 4:44 Dealmaker's Digest Newsletter
Hey Dealmaker,
Ever wonder why some people seem to be crushing it while you're still stuck spinning your wheels? 💠Here's the cold, hard truth: It’s not because they’re smarter or more talented than you. Nope. It’s because they handle setbacks differently.
Most people freak out, make excuses, and freeze when things go sideways. But the real players? They use their struggles. And here’s the part no one talks about—they expect the hard times. If everything in your life is smooth sailing, you’re probably not pushing hard enough. Yeah, I said it. Playing it safe? That’s why you’re not seeing results.
Just dropped a new post that’s going to challenge how you see your struggles—and if you’re ready to start turning those so-called “setbacks” into stepping stones, you need to read this. Curious? Tap in and let’s flip the script. . ⬇️
4 Thoughts to Kickstart Your Day:
Failure Isn’t Optional—It’s Necessary: If you’re not failing, you’re playing too small. The only people not making mistakes are the ones not doing anything worth talking about.
Stop Wishing for Easy: Everyone wants success, but no one wants the pain. The truth? The harder the challenge, the sweeter the win. Embrace the suck—it’s where growth happens.
Comfort Zones Are Dead Zones: If you’re comfortable, you’re stagnant. Progress is messy, uncomfortable, and sometimes downright painful. That’s how you know you’re in the right place.
Hard Times Aren’t Personal: The universe isn’t out to get you. Everyone faces setbacks. The only difference? Some people get stronger from it, and some people sit and whine about it. Choose wisely.
4 Lessons Learned:
Pain Doesn’t Mean Stop: Most people quit when they hit a rough patch. That’s why they never go anywhere. The successful ones know pain is just part of the process.
Patience Wins: If you’re not where you want to be, good! That means you’re still climbing. Every struggle today builds strength for tomorrow. Success takes time, and anyone promising you otherwise is lying.
Failure Isn’t Fatal: Too many folks think failing is the end of the road. News flash—it’s not. It’s a detour, not a dead end. Learn from it and move on.
No One Cares About Your Struggles: Hate to break it to you, but no one’s going to feel bad for you. Not your competitors, not the market, not even your customers. So dust yourself off and keep grinding.
4 Challenges to Conquer Today:
Lean Into Discomfort: What’s that one thing you’ve been avoiding? Yeah, that one. Tackle it today. Stop running from the tough stuff.
Track Your Struggles: Write down one lesson from every failure you’ve had this year. What did it teach you? How can you apply that to your next move?
Get Comfortable With Chaos: Business isn’t about everything going perfectly. It’s about staying calm when it doesn’t. Find one thing today that throws you off balance and tackle it head-on.
Reframe Your Setbacks: Instead of whining about what went wrong, ask yourself, “How is this setting me up for a bigger win?” Your attitude matters more than the obstacle.
Quote of the Day
"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
- Winston Churchill
Life’s hard, business is harder, but your mindset will make or break you. Stay tough, keep grinding, and use the hard times to level up.
Until Tomorrow,
Mark Evans DM
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