12/14 - Wakie Wakie 4:44

Let me ask you something: what’s one thing you’ve been holding onto that’s holding you back?

For me, it wasn’t a person or a relationship—it was something much deeper. I didn’t realize how much it was weighing me down until I let it go.

Making the decision wasn’t easy, but once I did, everything changed—my mindset, my focus, and the way I approach life and business.

Want to know what I let go of and how it transformed my future?

4 Thoughts to Kickstart Your Day:

  1. You Can’t Build the Future With Old Tools: The habits and mindset that got you here won’t get you there.

  2. Your Mess is Your Message: The past doesn’t define you, but it can teach you. Use it to grow.

  3. Hard Conversations Are the Catalyst for Change: Whether with yourself or others, these moments drive evolution.

  4. Winners Evolve Constantly: Growth is about shedding the old and stepping into the new—again and again.

4 Lessons Learned:

  1. Comfort Kills Growth: The old you loves comfort zones. Divorce that person and embrace the discomfort of leveling up.

  2. People Change—or Get Left Behind: Not everyone is meant to stay in your circle. Let them go with gratitude and move on.

  3. Reflection is Power: Take time to acknowledge the old you, then focus on what you need to leave behind.

  4. Progress is Constant Reinvention: The best version of you is never static. Keep evolving, learning, and growing.

4 Challenges to Conquer Today:

  1. Write Down What’s Holding You Back: Be brutally honest. Identify the habits, beliefs, or people keeping you stuck.

  2. Have One Hard Conversation: Whether it’s with a friend, team member, or yourself, take the first step toward clarity.

  3. Set a “Divorce Date”: Pick the day you officially leave the old version of yourself behind and commit to it.

  4. Define Your Next Step: What does the new you look like? Write down one action you’ll take to start building that version today.

“The old you must die for the new you to thrive.”

- Unknown

You can’t win big while dragging the past behind you. The old you has served its purpose, but it’s time to evolve. Growth means discomfort, tough decisions, and letting go of what no longer serves you.

So, what’s one thing you’ll divorce today? Hit reply and let me know—I’d love to hear what you’re working on.

Until Tomorrow,

Mark Evans DM

Magician vs Mule - Discover the secrets to creating wealth and freedom
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