- Wakie Wakie 4:44
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- 12/09- Wakie Wakie 4:44
12/09- Wakie Wakie 4:44
Let’s be real: we’ve all been to that networking event.
You know the one. The room’s packed, and some guy’s handing out business cards like they’re 2-for-1 coupons at a gas station. Nobody wants to talk to him, and his cards end up in the trash by the time dessert is served.
Don’t be that guy.
Here’s the secret: networking isn’t about collecting cards. It’s about solving problems, creating value, and leaving an impression people actually remember.
Winners don’t network—they connect. Here’s how you become the person everyone wants to meet.
4 Thoughts to Kickstart Your Day:
Stop Talking About Yourself: The more you listen, the more people will think you’re brilliant. Crazy, right?
Ask the Right Questions: Forget small talk—go deeper. Ask what’s keeping them up at night or what they’re trying to solve.
Offer Real Value: Introduce them to someone helpful, share a strategy, or just take a genuine interest in their success.
Be Memorable, Not Forgettable: People remember the connection, not the card. Make your presence matter.
4 Lessons Learned:
Listening Is Your Superpower: The best networkers aren’t the loudest—they’re the ones who truly listen and understand.
Connections Create Currency: Solve a problem, and you’ve got a fan for life. People remember those who help them win.
The Value Game Wins: Offering real solutions, introductions, or even just encouragement makes you stand out.
Play the Long Game: Networking isn’t about immediate ROI. It’s about planting seeds that grow into opportunities.
4 Challenges to Conquer Today:
Ask Someone a Powerful Question: Next time you’re in a conversation, skip the fluff and ask about their biggest challenge.
Offer Help Without Asking for Anything: Find one way to provide value to someone in your network today—no strings attached.
Make an Introduction: Connect two people who can benefit from knowing each other.
Be the Listener: Spend one conversation focusing entirely on the other person without sharing your story.
“Your network is your net worth—but only if you’re valuable to it.”
- Unknown
Networking isn’t a numbers game. It’s a value game. The people who win aren’t tossing business cards—they’re creating meaningful connections by solving problems and showing up with real value.
So, how will you bring value to your network today? Hit reply and let me know—I’d love to hear how you’re making it happen.
Until Tomorrow,
Mark Evans DM
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