11/12- 4:44 Dealmaker's Digest Newsletter

A while back, I was on the phone with a fellow business owner who was deep in the weeds—stressed out, overwhelmed, and ready to pull his hair out. You know the type: hustling hard, grinding day in and day out, but no matter how much effort he put in, his business wasn’t growing. 📉

So I asked him a simple question: “What do your numbers say?”

Crickets. 🦗

He admitted he hadn’t been tracking his data. He was too busy putting out fires, chasing leads, and trying to stay afloat. The reality? He was just throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something would stick. And hey, I’ve been there too.

When you're caught up in the daily grind, it’s easy to get sucked into the drama—client complaints, team issues, the latest market “crisis.” It all feels urgent, right? But here’s the kicker: none of that noise actually matters if you don’t know your numbers.

The entrepreneurs who win in 2025 (and beyond) are not the ones who panic over the latest headlines or get distracted by shiny objects. They’re the ones who understand their data inside out. They know where their money’s coming from, where it’s leaking out, and they adjust accordingly. 📊

I’ve seen it time and time again: drama drains your energy. Data drives your success.

4 Thoughts to Kickstart Your Day:

  1. Numbers Don’t Lie: Feelings and drama are unreliable. Data tells the real story.

  2. Turn Off the Noise: If it’s not helping your bottom line, it’s just a distraction.

  3. Consistent Tracking = Consistent Growth: The more you measure, the more you can improve.

  4. Focus on Results, Not Reactions: It’s easy to react to drama, but it’s more effective to respond to data.

4 Lessons Learned:

  1. Data is King: If you don’t know your metrics, you’re flying blind.

  2. Drama is a Money Pit: The more you focus on distractions, the less you’ll see real profits.

  3. Double Down on What Works: Your data shows you where to lean in and where to pull back.

  4. Emotions Can’t Drive Decisions: Decisions backed by data are what move the needle.

4 Challenges to Conquer Today:

  1. Do a Data Audit: Check where your biggest expenses are and see if they align with your priorities.

  2. Stop Doomscrolling: Cut your news consumption in half this week. Focus that time on revenue-generating activities.

  3. Track ONE Key Metric Daily: Whether it’s sales calls, conversions, or expenses—track it and optimize.

  4. Clear Out the Noise: Turn off notifications that distract you from your core business tasks.

"Data beats emotions. Every. Single. Time.”

- Alex Hormozi

Let’s turn down the drama, dial up the data, and make 2025 your best year yet.

Until Tomorrow,

Mark Evans DM

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